How to share Runder Biltong. Yes it's possible.

How to share Runder Biltong. Yes it's possible.


Hello, Runder enthusiasts! If you're reading this, chances are you've already discovered the mouthwatering magic of our biltong. 

If you haven't, prepare yourself for a taste sensation that will make your taste buds do the happy dance! 

If you’re an avid biltong lover, you’ll know and admit that it’s hard deciding between sharing the scrumptious snack with friends or hoarding it all for yourself, like a secret treasure trove!

Picture this: You’re sitting on your couch, clutching a bag of Runder’s finest that's practically singing your name, "Eat me, eat me!" Your taste buds are tingling with excitement, and the stomach is doing somersaults of anticipation. 

The temptation to devour every last morsel is almost overwhelming, but wait! Remember the age-old saying, "Sharing is caring.”? 

So, begrudgingly, you tear your gaze away from the biltong bag and think about the joy of sharing with your company.

Sharing Runder biltong is an experience like no other. Watching your friends' eyes light up as they taste the flavourful delight is priceless. 

It's like being a magician, enchanting your loved ones with the most fantastic taste sensation known to humankind. Their expressions go from curious to ecstatic in a matter of seconds, and you find yourself nodding, knowing you've just initiated them into the sacred world of Runder biltong.

However, you must confess that deep down, you sometimes struggle with the idea of sharing. The biltong is so good, it's like a celestial dance of flavours in your mouth. 

Each bite is an explosion of savoury bliss, and the chewy texture is a source of pure satisfaction. Sharing means less biltong for you, and that's a dilemma you’ll often find yourself wrestling with (if you want to share). 

But hey, sharing is about making memories, right?

To avoid any Runder-sharing meltdowns, we’ve devised some clever strategies for maintaining the perfect biltong balance:

  • The Stealthy Stash: Hide a secret supply of biltong in your snack cupboard. When your friends come over, share some from your visible stash, but keep the rest tucked away safely for later. Sneaky, right? Oh well.
  • The Intentional Distraction: Whenever your friends start eyeing your precious biltong, distract them with a hilarious story or a fascinating fact. Works like a charm!
  • The Portion Control: Divide your biltong into smaller portions to share. This way, it looks like you're being generous, but you secretly get to enjoy multiple "shares."
  • The Double Batch: get a double batch of biltong. Share one batch with your friends, and the other is yours to keep, guilt-free!
  • The Group Buy-In: Convince your friends that it's a better idea to buy biltong in bulk together. You'll share the cost and, of course, share the biltong too!

Remember, Runder biltong is best enjoyed in good company. The laughter, camaraderie, and shared biltong memories will stay with you forever. So, even if you're tempted to hoard it all for yourself, take a deep breath, embrace the spirit of sharing, and enjoy the biltong experience with your friends! Love thy neighbour.

If not, then just enjoy it on your own!

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